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29/01/2025 - Sjock 49 - 2025 : 11 new confirmations
It's getting crowded, we've got 11 more bands that will kick your asses at Sjock in Gierle next July.
As you are used from Sjock lot's of genres, all killers no fillers.​
Melissa Etheridge
Jeremy Pinnell
Joey Simeone
Tangled Horns
Chuck Mead
The Modern Don Juans
The Undertones
The Bellrays
PJ Taylor Bands
19/11/2024 - Sjock 49 : 12 new confirmations + start presale
We have 12 exciting names to confirm : Mozzy Dee, Uncle Lucius, Lobo Jones and the Rhythm Hounds, Jesse Daniel, Jake Penrod, Howlin' Ric and the Rocketeers, Kate Clover, Die Spitz, Valient Thor, Civic, The Drowns, Fidlar
To make sure you get the perfect Christmas present, presale will start on 20 December 10:00am. You can give hints to your loved ones.
New for this year : also camping tickets are available in presale.
Make sure not to confuse camping tickets (1 required per person) with camper tickets (1 required per camper vehicle)
14/11/2024 - Sjock 49 : First bands confirmed
Early birds went like a storm and were sold out in half an hour.
In a few weeks, Weekend tickets will be available.
Subscribe to our Newsletter to get the latest info.
We also have the first bands confirmed for "Your Rock'n'Roll Highlight of the Year".
Stoked to have The Bouncing Souls coming over for their only European gig in 2025. If you like to see these guys, this is your chance.
Refused are doing a farewell tour in Europe in 2025, so this might be the last time to catch them.
With Los Straitjackets, The Devil Makes Three, Turbonegro, Jason Starday, Volk and Wine Lips we've got a lot for everyone.
30/10/2024 - Sjock 49 : Tickets
Regular presale will start when we will have announced a part of our line up.
However we will release a first batch of Early Bird tickets for our die hard fans.
These will be available on 1st of November !
​Please read the general conditions here.

06/09/2024 - Sjock 48 : Clubconcerts !!!
Today we can announce another great clubconcert at Sjock Headquarters JK 't Hoekske, Gierle.
One of our favorites will come to Gierle again : Sunday Nov. 3rd - COSMIC PSYCHOS, tickets will be available on Monday Sep 9th - 10:00h - click here
And only a week later we have the amazing Zeke visiting our little town in de Kempen.
Only 35% of tickets available now - click here

29/07/2024 - Sjock 48 : Thanks to make this a memorable edition !
Sjock 48 is way behind us. We needed some time to recover. We reeeaaally did.
It was really memorable as we had our first presale Sold Out (Sunday) edition in Sjock history, and what a history we have.
Many thanks go out to the many voluntary workers who made this happen again, without you there would be NO Rock'n'Roll Highlight of the Year !​
Many thanks to all you visitors who created this great Sjock Atmospere that is getting famous all over the world.
And many thanks to all great bands that played Sjock 48.
Let's make it an even greater Highlight on July 11, 12, 13 in 2025 when we will have the 49th edition of Sjock !
Go here to check out the great aftermovie.
ps. Early Bird tickets will be online in a few weeks/months. Please allow us some time. Subscribe to our newsletter and/or Social Media. We will inform you well in front of start early birds​
04/07/2024 - Sjock 48 : Weather will be fine, Tickets at the door available
Latest weatherforecasts seem fine. Nice temperature and maybe a little rain to settle the dust.
Presale ended but we still have plenty of day tickets for Friday and Staturday at the doors.
See you tomorrow !!!

02/07/2024 - Sjock 48 : SUNDAY SOLD OUT + END OF PRESALE WEDNESDAY 23h59
Sunday tickets are also SOLD OUT.
Still tickets for Friday and Saturday available, so if you like to enjoy Your Rock'n'Roll Highlight of the Year buy your ticket NOW.
We also put a small festival map online so you can check where you can get your beers and cocktails.
01/07/2024 - Sjock 48 : Weekendtickets sold out
Weekendtickets are completely SOLD OUT
Still a few Sunday tickets available
Friday and Saturday tickets still plenty available at this moment
28/06/2024 - Sjock 48 : MADBALL confirms + DJ confirmed
A massive ‘thanks’ goes out to the @Madball family, who are making a big effort travelling from Hungary to Belgium next week Sunday, playing Sjock festival, to replace Sick of It All !!!
We also welcome @Willy DJ @Andries Beckers who calls the shots at our afterparty Saturday night, July 6 th !
See you all next week.
Big hug, the Sjock team.

22/05/2024 - Sjock 48 : Afterparty Friday - Time Shedule online
DJ Franzie is back !
He will be your master of ceremony on the afterparty on Friday July 5th
Our Time Shedule is online
Let's see if you can find some time to get some chow between all these amazing bands.

02/05/2024 - Sjock 48 : Line up Completed - presale going fast
A new month, more good news : The line up for Sjock 48 in July 2024 is completed.
Remember Cock Sparrer singing on Sjock 47 : We're coming back, we're coming back, we're coming back to you ! - link
Well they kept word and will play on Friday early evening at Sjock 48 !
This means we had too many bands performing on only 2 stages, so we will have a few bands playing on our Bang Bang Stage already on Fiday.
New confirmed bands :
The Jesters / Toxic Shock / Cock Sparrer
If you don't have your tickets in your pocket, don't wait too long. Presale is going even faster as previous editions.
Only 103 euro for 3 days of Rock'n'Roll, that's only 2,20 euro per band !
19/04/2024 - Clubconcert : 10/11/2024 - Zeke

15/04/2024 - Clubconcert : 01/05/2024 - Equal Idiots + Priceduifkes
Our friends just ended a combined tour in Japan and will have their
afterparty at Sjock HQ Jeugdklub 't Hoekske

09/04/2024 - Sjock 48 : Reserve your locker for Sjock 2024
Make sure you have your locker for Sjock reserved.
We can offer following possibilities :
Medium (25 x 25 x 40 cm) - day 7 euro / weekend 20 euro
Medium + 2 x USB (25 x 25 x40 cm) - day 9 euro / weekend 25 euro (USB - bring your own cable)
Large (25 x 35 x 40cm) - day 9 euro / weekend 25 euro

20/03/2024 - Sjock 48 : New confirmations + 1 cancellation
We've got some great bands to add to our line up.
Reverend Horton Heat
Ty Segall
The Pine Box Boys
Bad Samaritans
Hadacol Tremblers
Tuff Guac
Unfortunately Civic decided to cancel their complete tour because the release of their new album has been delayed.
Death Lens will replace Civic.
Despite we expanded our mobile home camping, tickets are completely sold out.
Plenty of space on the camp site for your tents (no presale) and still plenty of festival tickets available.
Don't forget to add the drink token bags in your order.

15/03/2024 - Sjock 48 : Hotel deal
Like last year, we have a hotel deal with Turnova in Turnhout (10 km from the festival site) which includes a festival shuttle.
More details here : Hotel
Make sure to mention that you will be visiting Sjock and booking the Sjock deal. This will ensure you to be able to take the shutlle service.
28/02/2024 - Sjock 48 : New announcements + Day tickets available
The Rhythm Shakers
Ray Collins Hot Club
Cosmic Psychos
Black Leather Jacket
Dune Rats
Barrel Smoke
Bacon Fat Louis
Since today also following tickets are available :
Friday tickets 30 euro
Saturday tickets 45 euro
Sunday tickets 45 euro
Short weekenders (Saturday + Sunday) 85 euro
Weekend tickets are flying out the door.
Don't forget to order your tokens in presale.
This way you will avoid extra queue at our token sales

17/02/2024 - Clubconcert 24/05/2024- Private Function + Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders

01/02/2024 - Sjock 48 : New announcements + Weekend tickets available
The Chats
Thee Scarecrows Aka
Jenny Don't and the Spurs
Si Cranstoun
Captain Kaiser
Fifty Foot Combo
Black Djangos
The Domestic Bumblebees
The Honkabillies
Dick Move
More to be affirmed in a few weeks !
Weekend tickets and Tokens are available now !
Go here to score yours : Tickets
Only 103 euro for 3 days of Rock'n'Roll
We know : "That's cheap", well drink tokens are less than 2,8 euro each !
That's what we call "Fuckin' cheap !"
Make sure to include them in your order.
Soon Day tickets will become available. If you like to hear it first : Subscribe to our Newsletter !

14/12/2023 - Sjock 48 : First announcements + limited early birds available
Early Birds sold out in a blink of an eye.
Plenty more tickets will become available as soon as we announce more bands for Friday and Saturday.
Very proud to announce the first 15 bands for Sjock 48 !
Next weeks we'll be announcing plenty more.
We have some limited early bird tickets available -
cheap as fuck.
Also camper tickets available.

08/12/2023 - Sjock 48 : First announcements Thursday 14th of December
We've been working hard since a few months preparing Your Rock'n'Roll Highlight of 2024 !
Food & booze are confirmed and soon the first batch of bands can be announced.
A limited amount of Early Bird Tickets will be available soon !
The perfect Christmas present for your loved ones.

05/09/2023 - Sjock : Clubconcerts
We have some great concerts planned at our headquarters JK 't Hoekske.
Sunday 24th of September :
The Delta Bombers (US) + Red Hot Riot (UK)
FB : https://www.facebook.com/events/189946537390011
Tickets : https://www.ticketjes.be/nl/Shop/WizardStep1?happeningId=36
(only a few left)
Friday 13th of October :
The Hangmen (US) + Thee Andrews Surfers (BE)
FB : https://www.facebook.com/events/6558677300892478/?ref=newsfeed
Tickets : https://www.ticketjes.be/nl/Shop/WizardStep1?happeningId=37
It's been much too long. They played our club many years ago and wanted them back in Gierle since.
Support by our friends from Ghent.

22/08/2023 - Sjock 47 : Thanks - Sjock 48 : 5 - 7 July 2023
Much too late, huge hangover after Sjock 47 ....
Big thanks to all visitors, bands, volunteers, partners, anyone involved !!!
Without you no "Rock'n'Roll Highlight of the Year".
Mark the date : SJOCK 48 - 5,6 and 7 July
We already started working on it.
06/07/2023 - Sjock 47 : Presale stopped
Sad news from Legendary Shack Shakers, they had to cancel their show. Hopefully everything will work out fine for them and their family.
Moonshine Wagon will take their spot in the Titty Twister tomorrow night at SJOCK Festival 47.

06/07/2023 - Sjock 47 : Presale stopped
As announced, our presale ended last night.
Plenty of tickets available at the entrance.
Friday = 35 euro
Saturday = 45 euro
Sunday = 45 euro
Only 1 day left to score your tickets. Go here : https://www.sjock.com/tickets
There will be tickets available at the door. Check for info https://www.sjock.com/info-tickets
We will not sell out this year !
Cheapest will be to buy today online on www.sjock.com ! -
Weather forecast looks great for Gierle Sjockcity !
04/07/2023 - Sjock 47 : Presale ends soon, L13 shop, Afterparty, …

Food and drinks are cheap as hell at Sjock !
A beer for only 2,8 euro and if you collect 6 cups you get 1 for free.
So a beer costs you only 2,4 euro !
We will have Maes 0.0 available this year. Enjoy your beer and drive home safely.
Did you already check our Sjock merchandising ?
You can order online and pickup at Sjock !!!
We can also announce our DJ’s for the afterparties
On Sunday you can go to the afterparty at our camp site with DJ Funkie Frankie

28/06/2023 - Sjock 47 : Recycle Point, End of presale, Lockers
Only 9 days till Sjock..
Time to get practical :
* Sjock will use reusable cups, please gather them and bring them to our recycle points.
You'll get 1 token for every 6 cups or bottles !!! (no damaged cups). This makes your drinks even cheaper.
* Important : no camping (tents, seats, drinks, ....) on our parking. The past years we had lots of waste on the parking lot, which gets us in trouble with the owner.
We will be very strict this year and you risk to be denied entry to the festival.
Thanks for supporting us !
* This year we will have lockers at the entrance of our festival. Lockers in 2 sizes and some with loading docks for your mobile.
* Presale ends next week on Wednesday, so don't wait any longer to score your tickets here.
07/06/2023 - Sjock 47 - Time Shedule, Radio Willy, Dwarves, 9PH, Mobile Home tickets
Finally we've got our time shedule online. Check it out here.
Also visit our Line Up page again - we added some info and links for each band (FB, Youtube, Insta, ...)
Proud to announce that Radio Willy will be our main Media Partner, you'll here some Sjock tunes soon on Radio Willy. Visit Radio Willy here.
Last chance to get your tickets for our Mobile Home camping - Only 5 spaces left !
Clubconcert : June 29th @jk 't Hoekske, aka Sjock HQ, Dwarves + Nine Pound Hammer, only 10 tickets left
04/05/2023 - Sjock 47 - New confirmations + presale drink/food tokens
Wow, again a tough one this year, but we've got our bill together.
New confirmations - all killers, no fillers :
Friday July 7th
The Hellacopters
Legendary Shack Shakers
Stiff Richards
The Sha-La-Lee's
Saturday July 8th
Red Hot 'n'Blue
Lovesick Duo
The Real Sickies
Sunday July 9th
No Fun at All
Church of Confidence
Midnight Tattoo
New for this year !
Drink and Food Tokens in presale
Our regular visitors know the Sjock site is located in a remote area so 4G is poorly accessible.
Online payments were only limited available last year. We will improve this somehow, but to avoid queues, you can buy your tickets in presale.
You can buy the Token bags together with your entrance ticket or if you already got the entrance ticket, just buy your Token bag now !
1 Token = 1 Belgian beer (or lemonade or wine, ...)
You will receive your Tokens at the entrance were you get your Sjock wristband.
Your Rock 'n' Roll Highlight of the Year !
03/05/2023 - Sjock 47 - Tami Nelson cancels for Saturday
Sad news from @tamineilsonmusic
"As many of my fans will know, I am still in recovery from sepsis after multiple emergency surgeries earlier this year. I am trying to keep my commitments to as many shows as I can while still being careful. It is why there are not as many shows as I would normally play in 2023 and why I unfortunately cannot get to every town or city I would like to. It’s also part of why I chose to base myself in North America and predominantly travel in a motorhome with my family for 5 months- to reduce long flights where I can, for the benefit of both my physical and my mental health while touring. Unfortunately there are a couple shows I have had to cancel that my Dr has advised against due to extensive travel. I’m afraid one of those shows is the Sjock festival in Belgium in July. I’m very sorry to let my fans in Europe down and hope to be back to play for you next year when hopefully my health is fully restored. Thank you for your understanding."
13/04/2023 - Sjock 47 - Hotel deal includes shuttle
We reached a deal with Corsendonk Turnova again for Sjock 47.
Sjockdeal includes :
* overnight stay includes breakfast untill 11h30
* shuttle service to and from festival on day over the overnight stay
This deal is only for people who book directly with this link : Turnova Sjockdeal
Use promotional code " sjockfestival "
Important : if you book thru other sites for example thru booking.com or others, you will not be able to use the free shuttle service or late breakfast.
31/03/2023 - Sjock 47 - Presale day tickets available tomorrow + switch bands
1st of April, Day tickets become available, go to our Tickets section to buy your tickets.
We had to switch The Jimmy Dale Surf Trio and His Lordschip

22/03/2023 - Sjock 47 - New confirmations + start Presale

Another 13 great bands for Sjock 47 !!!
More coming soon.
The Spits
Barno Koevoet & The Duijmschpijkers
Dale Watson & His Lone Stars
Cadaster Jon Combo feat. 'El Presidente'
Eddie & the Hot Rods
Les Lullies
Lobo Jones & the Rythm Hounds
Private Function
Savage Beat
The Jimmy Dale Surf Trio
His Lordship
Truck Stop Cutie
Presale day tickets available from April 1st
Don't forget to subsribe to our newsletter if you want to hear first !
24/02/2023 - Presale Weekend Tickets + camper/mobilhome available
Full Weekenders - 3 days of Rock'n'Roll available now ! - Only 99 euro
Campers/mobilhomes - 3 days - 30 euro/camper - more info here
Camping tickets not in presale - only sales at the door
Day tickets will be available in a few weeks !
If you like to hear it first : subscribe to our newsletter.
23/02/2023 - Sjock 47 - New confirmations

Live music is still alive and kicking in Belgium.
After the great club concerts coming up at our HQ, we can confirm a lot of great bands that will join Your Rock'n'Roll Highlight of the Year 2023 :
Tami Neilson
Cock Sparrer
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
The Kokomo Kings
Hola Ghost
Fu Manchu *
Honeyboy Slim & The Bad Habbits
The Bronx
Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg
* the guys fly in for Sjock only !!!
Presale will start soon.
Subscriber to our newsletter if you like to get notified !
21/02/2023 - The Dwarves + Nine Pound Hammer at Sjock HQ
So happy about this !
FB : The Dwarves + Nine Pound Hammer
Presale : Tickets The Dwarves + Nine Pound Hammer

20/02/2023 - Club concerts at Sjock HQ
March 25th : Bang Bang Fest
We're celebrating 50 years of our youthclub JK 't Hoekske with a day and night of live music :
Priceduifkes - 69 Charger - Arson - Two and a half girl - Mitraille - Lotus - Sowt - Headschrinker - Braindead
FB : Bang Bang Fest - Presale : Tickets Bang Bang Fest
March 31st : The Seatsniffers - try-out
They have only a few gigs planned. De Roma is already sold out and we're looking forward to their show at Sjock 47, but first they will pay a visit to our HQ.
FB : The Seatsniffers - Presale : Tickets The Seatsniffers (start Monday 20/02/23 - 10:00h)
And we're working on yet another great night of Rock'n'Roll - You'll read it first in our newsletter !

10/02/2023 - The Seatsniffers at Sjock HQ - Friday 31st March
The Seatsniffers will play a Try Out show at JK 't Hoekske in Gierle on Friday 31st of March.
As you may know, they will only play a few shows :
Last weekend at Rockin' Race Jamboree in Torremolinos
Sat. 22nd of April at De Roma in Antwerp (Sold Out)
Sun 9th of July at Sjockfestival
And now they added a try out at our HQ, how nice !
Tickets only 17,5 euro - available soon - want to be the first to hear it ? SUBSCRIBE to our NEWSLETTER
16/12/2022 - Sjock 47 - Early Bird tickets SOLD OUT
Early Bird Weekend tickets already sold out in less then 15 hours - That's a new record
Plenty of day tickets, weekend tickets, camper/mobile home tickets will become available as soon as we
can confirm more bands !
Thanks for your support !
15/12/2022 - Sjock 47 - New confirmations + Limited Early Bird tickets available

Here's 10 new names for the 47th edition of your favorite festival !
Eagles of Death Metal
Slim Cessna's Auto Club
Jesse Daniel
Boogie Beasts
Bob Wayne and the Outlaw Carnies
The Schizophonics
The Drowns
Wine Lips
La Perra Blanco
Earlier confirmed : The Seatsniffers
A Limited amount of Early Bird weekend tickets are available now for only 75 euro !
31/05/2022 - Sjock 47 - FIRST BAND CONFIRMED - Sjockfestival, Your Rock 'n' Roll Highlight of the Year

We are extremely proud that we can announce a first band that will shine on our line-up in 2023, July 7-8-9.
It’s a reunion we all hoped for to happen and finally does!
It’s the BIG BEAT from Belgium, the greatest roots rockin’ combo in Europe ever, yes, it’s The Seatsniffers!
The Seatsniffers are back for an exclusive threesome of reunion shows and Sjock festival couldn’t be more happy to be part of this.